Map of the Surname Oun in United Kingdom and in the World

Geographic Analysis of Surnames

The exploration of the geographical distribution of surnames immerses us in a fascinating journey through the history, migration and colonization of clans over the centuries. In this investigation, we will unravel the enigma of the dispersion of the surname Oun both in United Kingdom and in the rest of the planet, revealing ancestral traces and population movements that have left their mark in different areas of the country and globally.

Geographical Analysis of the Surname Oun in United Kingdom

Mapa Overlay Image

Origin of the Surname Oun

The story behind the surname Oun is ancestral and linked to past times. Its relationship with different areas and cultures of United Kingdom has led to its spread through different territories throughout the ages.

Data Exploration

In the research carried out, data was taken from different sources such as civil registries, censuses and historical and current material. These data were carefully analyzed to identify the areas where the surname Oun has a more marked presence, as well as to find possible patterns in its dispersion.


General Distribution

The graph below provides an overview of the geographical distribution of the surname Oun in United Kingdom. The places with a greater prevalence of the surname stand out in distinctive tones, while those areas with a lower incidence of the surname are shown in a contrasting way.

Regions with High Concentration

The areas with the highest concentration of the surname Oun are found in different regions of United Kingdom. These places have traditionally been fundamental in various aspects, both economic and cultural, which has led to a greater presence of the surname Oun. The importance of these territories may be linked to factors such as population mobility, economic situation and other socioeconomic aspects.

Regions with Low Concentration

In contrast, the places with the lowest incidence of the surname Oun are generally those that are characterized by being more remote or less densely populated. These areas may have experienced less influence from people with this surname due to various reasons such as remoteness, lack of economic opportunities, or differences in social patterns.

Historical Analysis

Historically, the spread of the Oun surname into United Kingdom has been affected by various relevant events, such as internal and external displacements, armed conflicts and changes in the political landscape. Over the years, fluctuations can be seen in the presence of the surname in different areas, which may be linked to specific situations such as migrations, wars or government decisions.

Demographic Factors


The mobility of people both within and outside borders has had a significant impact on the dispersion of the Oun surname. Various migratory flows have led to the surname spreading through different regions of United Kingdom, thus contributing to its presence in these areas. Likewise, emigration from United Kingdom to other countries has modified the internal distribution of the surname, generating new communities abroad that share this same lineage.


The transformation towards urban environments has led to the surname Oun becoming increasingly concentrated in the cities of United Kingdom. The possibilities of economic growth and access to education have motivated many families with the surname Oun to settle in these metropolitan centers, which has resulted in a significant increase in their presence in these urban areas.

Sociodemographic Changes

The transformations in the sociodemographic structure of United Kingdom have had an impact on the dispersion of the surname Oun. For example, the growth of certain economic sectors has generated population movements towards areas where these sectors are predominant, which is reflected in the geographical distribution of the surname.

Distribution of the Surname Oun throughout the World

Worldwide Expansion of the Surname Oun

The Oun surname is not only present in United Kingdom, but has experienced an incredible expansion globally thanks to migration and diaspora. In this section, we will explore how and why the surname Oun has spread to various regions of the world.

Main Countries of Presence

The surname Oun has left its mark in various territories around the world. The influence of this surname can be felt in multiple countries, where migration from United Kingdom has played a fundamental role in its expansion. Economic, political and educational issues have been determining factors in this migratory phenomenon that has contributed to the spread of the surname Oun in different cultures.

  1. Libya Libya
  2. Egypt Egypt
  3. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
  4. Tunisia Tunisia
  5. United States United States
  6. Nigeria Nigeria
  7. Malaysia Malaysia
  8. Bahrain Bahrain
  9. Cambodia Cambodia
  10. Canada Canada
  11. Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
  12. Singapore Singapore
  13. Estonia Estonia
  14. Kuwait Kuwait
  15. Russia Russia
  16. Thailand Thailand
  17. Pakistan Pakistan
  18. Netherlands Netherlands
  19. Israel Israel
  20. Germany Germany
  21. Finland Finland
  22. France France
  23. Austria Austria
  24. Australia Australia
  25. United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
  26. England England
  27. Iran Iran
  28. Syria Syria
  29. Jordan Jordan
  30. Morocco Morocco
  31. Qatar Qatar
  32. Wales Wales
  33. Indonesia Indonesia
  34. India India
  35. Iraq Iraq
  36. Switzerland Switzerland
  37. Algeria Algeria
  38. Scotland Scotland
  39. Lebanon Lebanon
  40. Czech Republic Czech Republic
  41. Uganda Uganda
  42. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
  43. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
  44. Lithuania Lithuania
  45. Latvia Latvia
  46. Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
  47. Malta Malta
  48. Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
  49. China China
  50. Norway Norway
  51. Poland Poland
  52. Romania Romania
  53. Spain Spain
  54. Sudan Sudan
  55. Gabon Gabon
  56. Slovakia Slovakia
  57. Turkey Turkey
  58. Taiwan Taiwan
  59. Ukraine Ukraine

Impact of the Diaspora on Culture

The diaspora has had a significant impact on the global dissemination of the surname Oun. Throughout history, crucial events have caused the dispersion of people with this surname throughout the planet. These movements have been driven by the aspiration to improve the quality of life and find new opportunities in different regions of the world.

Overall Conclusion

The surname Oun has demonstrated an amazing capacity for adaptation and diffusion throughout the planet. Its presence on various continents demonstrates not only the migratory waves of United Kingdom, but also the integration and contributions of those who carry it in different societies worldwide. The analysis of its dispersion offers an enriching story about how migratory flows and settlement processes have shaped the identity and representation of this surname on a global scale.

In summary, examining the distribution of the surname Oun in United Kingdom and globally reveals fascinating patterns and provides deep insight into the history and demographic changes of both of the country as well as the global community of bearers of this peculiar surname.