Map of the Surname Angeli in United Kingdom and in the World

Geographical Analysis of Surnames

Exploring the geographical distribution of surnames takes us on a journey through history and the migrations of families over the centuries. In this research, we will delve into the analysis of the presence of the surname Angeli in United Kingdom and in various parts of the world, unraveling historical patterns and demographic movements that have shaped its presence in different regions of the country and globally.

Location map of Surname Angeli in United Kingdom

Mapa Overlay Image

History of the Surname Angeli

The genealogy of the surname Angeli goes back to ancient times. Over the centuries, this surname has been linked to different localities and traditions of United Kingdom, which has influenced its spread throughout the globe.


In carrying out this study, data from civil registries, censuses and other sources, both ancient and current, were used. These data were collected, structured and studied to determine the areas with the highest prevalence of the surname Angeli in the country United Kingdom, as well as to detect possible trends or particularities in its geographical dispersion.


General Distribution

Look below at the map that reveals the distribution of the surname Angeli in the country United Kingdom. The areas where this surname predominates are represented with striking colors, in contrast to those regions where its presence is scarcer.

Concentration on Featured Regions

The places with the highest concentration of the surname Angeli cover different areas of United Kingdom. These localities have been recognized for their relevance in the economic and cultural sphere, which has contributed to the prominence of the surname Angeli. The notable presence in these places can be attributed to factors such as migration, the economic situation and other sociocultural aspects.

Localities with Little Representation

On the contrary, areas with a low presence of the Angeli surname tend to be those of a rural nature or with a lower population density. These areas may have experienced less migratory influence or movements of people with this surname, whether due to geographic factors, economic opportunities, or social circumstances.

Historical Analysis

Since ancient times, the presence of the Angeli surname in United Kingdom has been shaped by a series of significant events, such as internal and external migratory movements, war conflicts and political transformations. For example, throughout different historical periods, you can see an increase or decrease in the number of individuals who bear that surname in certain areas. This situation may be linked to particular events such as population displacements, wars or government decisions.

Demographic Factors


The mobility of people both within and outside borders has had a significant impact on the dispersion of the Angeli surname. The arrival of various migrant communities to different areas of United Kingdom has contributed to the increasing presence of the surname in those places. Likewise, emigration from United Kingdom to other countries has had an impact on the internal distribution of the surname, generating new branches and connections throughout the world.


The trend towards urbanization has caused the surname Angeli to be largely concentrated in the cities of United Kingdom. The possibilities of economic and educational progress in these urban centers have motivated many families with the surname Angeli to move and settle in these metropolitan areas, which has contributed to their growth and presence in these urban environments.

Socioeconomic Changes

The transformation in the socioeconomic structure of United Kingdom has had a direct impact on the way the surname Angeli is distributed. For example, the prosperity of certain economic sectors has generated a movement of population towards areas where these sectors have greater relevance, which is reflected in the geographical location of the surname.

Distribution of the Surname Angeli in the World

Global Expansion of the Surname Angeli

The Angeli lineage not only has roots in United Kingdom, but has also experienced a worldwide diffusion thanks to migratory movements and diaspora. This section analyzes how and why the surname Angeli is present in different corners of the planet.

Main Countries of Presence

The surname Angeli is recognized in a significant number of countries around the world. These nations have witnessed a constant migratory flow from United Kingdom, which has contributed to the roots and spread of the surname in different regions. The search for job opportunities, political contexts or the search for quality education have been determining factors for this dispersion phenomenon.

  1. Italy Italy
  2. Brazil Brazil
  3. Greece Greece
  4. France France
  5. United States United States
  6. Argentina Argentina
  7. Cyprus Cyprus
  8. Germany Germany
  9. Hungary Hungary
  10. England England
  11. Australia Australia
  12. Belgium Belgium
  13. Canada Canada
  14. Venezuela Venezuela
  15. Austria Austria
  16. Indonesia Indonesia
  17. Switzerland Switzerland
  18. Russia Russia
  19. Taiwan Taiwan
  20. Serbia Serbia
  21. Finland Finland
  22. Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
  23. Singapore Singapore
  24. Spain Spain
  25. Sweden Sweden
  26. San Marino San Marino
  27. Netherlands Netherlands
  28. Philippines Philippines
  29. Uruguay Uruguay
  30. Honduras Honduras
  31. Slovenia Slovenia
  32. Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
  33. Luxembourg Luxembourg
  34. India India
  35. Moldova Moldova
  36. Mexico Mexico
  37. Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
  38. Chile Chile
  39. French Polynesia French Polynesia
  40. Ukraine Ukraine
  41. Croatia Croatia
  42. Poland Poland
  43. Peru Peru
  44. Paraguay Paraguay
  45. South Africa South Africa
  46. Bermuda Bermuda
  47. Scotland Scotland
  48. China China
  49. Transnistria Transnistria
  50. Uganda Uganda
  51. Nigeria Nigeria
  52. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
  53. Morocco Morocco
  54. Egypt Egypt
  55. New Caledonia New Caledonia
  56. Norway Norway
  57. Bulgaria Bulgaria
  58. Georgia Georgia
  59. United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
  60. Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
  61. Ireland Ireland
  62. Japan Japan
  63. Thailand Thailand
  64. Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
  65. Czech Republic Czech Republic
  66. Nothern Ireland Nothern Ireland
  67. Wales Wales
  68. New Zealand New Zealand
  69. Guinea Guinea
  70. Afghanistan Afghanistan
  71. Albania Albania
  72. Hong Kong Hong Kong
  73. Pakistan Pakistan
  74. Aruba Aruba
  75. Qatar Qatar
  76. Romania Romania
  77. Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
  78. South Korea South Korea
  79. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
  80. Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
  81. Tunisia Tunisia
  82. Montenegro Montenegro
  83. Macedonia Macedonia
  84. Ecuador Ecuador
  85. Mali Mali
  86. Estonia Estonia
  87. Mauritius Mauritius
  88. Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
  89. Malaysia Malaysia
  90. Niger Niger

Influence of International Migration

International migration has had a significant impact on the dispersion of the Angeli surname in various countries around the world. Throughout history, key events have caused large movements of individuals who bear this surname to different regions of the planet. These movements have been driven by the aspiration to reach better horizons and improve living conditions.

Overall Conclusion

The surname Angeli has stood out for its remarkable ability to adapt and spread throughout the world. Its presence on different continents not only reflects the migratory history of United Kingdom, but also the integration and contribution of those who carry it in various societies at a global level. The analysis of its dispersion provides an enriching narrative about how migratory flows and settlement processes have influenced the identity and presence of this surname worldwide.

In summary, examining the distribution of the Angeli surname in United Kingdom and on a global scale reveals fascinating patterns and provides deep insight into the history and demographic evolution of both the country and the global community. An exciting journey through the diversity and interconnectedness of our ancestors!